Digital Visiting Card Instantly

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Digital Media Marketing

Now all information of whole world is in our fingertips. People are more friendly with technologies and they are depending on technologies for everything. So, more and more advance technologies take place in the market. So, it's time to think about taking more benefits from technologies. New modern technologies and predominance of Digital Media Marketing, increases business opportunities. So, most of businesses are shifting their action in to Digital Media Marketing techniques.
AVGfx makes Visual Picture Of Your Imagination.

Why choose Digital Media Marketing?

Screens are the best platform for Digital Media Marketing. Now most of the people are using digital screen like Mobile, TV, Computer, Laptop and so on. Among 85% people are spending 3 - 4 hours daily in front of screen. 70% people touch their mobiles with in 3-4 minutes. So, Digital Media Marketing gives more opportunities, that create brand value.

Importance of Digital Media Marketing in Business
  • • More acceptable media
  • • New generation style
  • • Reaches very fast and easily
  • • More exposure opportunities
  • • Build up Brand Reputation
  • • More attractive and precise
  • • Build up Brand Reputation
  • • Cost effective and Generate Better Revenues
  • • Improve customer relation
Digital Media Marketing depends on which platform?

Mobile, Tablet, T.V., Laptop, Computer, Palmtop

Digital Media Marketing is based on which format?

Audio, Video, Photo, Pamphlet, Flyer, Brochure, Card, Screen server, Presentation, Slideshow, Website, Digital cards and many more.

How can we reach everyone?

By social media like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and others.


What we are Creating

We provide wide range of Services in following categories Audio, Video, Graphics and Digital Visiting Card.


Audio Recording, Audio Editing, Audio Mixing, Audio Creation (Music)


Video Shutting, Video Editing, Video Creation(Animation, Intro, Outro, Ad making)


Photography, Photo Editing, Graphics Creation(Brochure, Flyer, Pamphlet, Cards)

Digital Card

Digital Visiting Cards, Digital Invitation Cards

Website Development

Website Development, Website Design, Website re-constraction

Digital Media Marketing

Digital Media Marketing on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube etc...


What do we do at AVGfx.

AVGfx means Audio-Video-Graphics special effect.

AVGfx - Final destination for your digital work, based at Surat, Gujarat. We are believing in your satisfaction so, high quality and professional work is our identity. Your imagination and our creative and innovative approach make unique for you. Project deliver as per your require format.

Why prefer only AVGfx?
➢ Final destination for Digital work (like Audio, Video, Graphics, Video shooting, Photography, Digital card.)
➢ High Quality and Professional Work.
➢ Quick Response.
➢ Attractive Presentation.
➢ Work deliver in time.
➢ Work deliver as per your requirement format.
➢ Full Satisfaction.

Hire Us


We have expertise and experience in following categories Audio, Video, Graphics and Digital Visiting Card.



Words of voice is more powerful than word what is set down on paper. It induces with intimate meaning.
Audio is a medium that frequently use for communication. Audio is most easy method to deliver message person to person. So, we AVGFx provide facility to pass on your important message via Ad or via Audio-Video medium. We also provide recording facilities for Drama, Script, Announcement etc.
Facilities that we provide…
Audio Editing.
Audio Recording.
Music Beat Creation.
Music Beat Making.



Pictures refresh past memories much faster than words.
Video and Audio always left long impression on our mind. So, if we want to take more advantage, we must have some Video Presentation. Here AVGFx helps you to create your Video impression by Video Shooting, Video Editing, Video Creation and so on.

Facilities we provide:

Video Shooting:
Shooting Facilities in
Any Kind of Event.
Social Functions.

Video Editing:
Editing facilities in
Any kind of event.
Social Functions.
School Functions.

Video Creation:
Title Video.
Logo Animation.
Company Profile.
Products Profile.
Promotional Video.
Advertisement Video.
Explainer Video.
Social Media Video.
Educational video.
Pre Weddding Video.
Digital Resume Maker.
Personal Profile Maker.



Design is not just what it Looks and Feels, Design is for how it Work.
Most easy and affordable medium is graphics literature likes Flyer, Brochure, Pamphlet, Invitation Card, Visiting Card etc.
Features we provide:
Graphics Creation.
Brochure Design (Single-Bi-Tri fold).
Flyer Design
Logo Design.
Invitation Card.
Visiting Card.
Company Portfolio.

Digital Visiting Card

Whole world switch towards Digitalization. So, if we represent our self in a digital way that is more beneficial. AVGfx helps to Create your Digital Identification by Digital Card. Digital Card is a digital identity. That is more easy and convenient method to reach anywhere to anyone. Digital Card is more attractive and precise. Also cost effective and target oriented. Digital Card is a new generation style and acceptable for everyone. That brings more opportunities for exposure.

Prime Features:
Company Profile (8-10 Sentence).
Contact Details (Phone or Mobile No, Email, Website, Facebook, Instagram link).
Contact details for Key or Contactable person.
4 Photos and 2 Video Links(If any Video).

Link Preview :
Example Link:

Preview DVC
Why Digital Card is required ?

Now most of the people are wish to finish their work in a very easy way. So, mostly they contact require person on Mobile or Email or any Social Media. For this reason if we have our own Digital Identity that include our company profile, contact detail, some photos or video that create positive impression on customers.

How does one benefit by DVC?

Digital Card is represent in a quick access link, when we click on a link our Digital Card is visible. This Digital Card brings more information with photos and video link to amylase Company profile to respectable customers. We get following benefits by Digital Card…

Direct share Link via WhatsApp Without saving Mobile No.
Direct Share Link via Message.
Direct Call facilities on Click.
Direct Social Media connectivity on click.
Active Link of Email to contact and Website Link to Visit.
Looks like a mini Website.

What do we require to get DVC?

For making Digital card we require following things…

Company Logo (PNG or CDR Format).
Visiting Card Hard or Soft copy (PNG or CDR Format If you have).
Company Profile (8-10 Sentence).
Link of Email, Website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc...)
Contact details for Key or Contactable person.
4 Photos which you want to represent in Digital Card.
2 Video links (YouTube links if any video or You Tube Channel)

Can I share my DVC with others?

Yes, you can share your Digital Card via WhatsApp, Text Message, Social Media.

How long will my DVC be available?

Digital Card is visible for a year, after one year you have to reactivate by paying nominal year subscription charge.

What is price for DVC?

Introductory Scheme
50 % discount

Special Offers